One month into online teaching has given us perspective on how flexibility is the name of the game. There is this term in the education world known as cognitive flexibility and this has become most relevant in these times. We are very happy to have successfully taken an experiential pedagogy online, while ensuring that the sanctity of the principles is maintained, without diluting the pedagogy or its essence. The outpouring of support from many Anthea parents via emails, phone calls and cards by your children has been humbling. This has however played a huge role to boost the morale of the teachers who have truly gone above and beyond their call of duty! Here is one such note from a Serenity parent, Ramya. This letter touched us with its empathy, and inspired us to come back stronger than ever. 😊
“Dear teachers,
As we wrapped up one month of online classes, I have been meaning to send a short note of thanks and congratulate the teachers for not only just managing through this unexpected challenge but also thriving in it. Just like any other parent, I was skeptical about how online learning will play out esp. in the context of Montessori, whether a 40-minute class per day be sufficient, how will it be different from just printing some worksheets online and making her practice. But as day after day unfolded and both of us got into groove, I have begun to realize how meticulously this has been planned putting in so much of thought.
While working with her through the material and seeing the contrast of work between the last month and this, I realized how it was chosen to introduce the concepts methodically and gradually increasing the complexity by adding in a mix of novelty and repetition. I can’t stop gloating to my friends about the hard work you have been putting day-after-day in culling topics, sharing material for the week in advance, rotating the login details, recording the sessions, observing the children, following through the pictures uploaded and enquiring about the same in the class and with us in the conf calls. All of this effort multiplied for every batch while taking care of your own homes is absolutely incredible.
Once again, my heartfelt thanks to you all for bringing some sense of normality and something to look forward to for my child in these gloomy times. Wishing all the health and happiness for you and your family.”
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